Thursday, June 12, 2014

Random Thoughts

Hello all,

It's a (more or less) 30 minute countdown til I'm out of work. I kinda want to just stay with them for at least a year or so. I think I would make a good assistant or something. It would've been great if this is a temp to permanent position. Because, then I'd be good. I mean, all I really do is sit a computer all day and just work or take a mini break and chat with my colleague (just realized I spelt colleague wrong on one or two resume's). WOOPS. Oh, well. What's done is done.

I need to find a new job if the one I'm at is only for two months. It's kind of sad... you know? I've been here for nearly two months and have had a pretty fun ride with the people who work here and the team I'm on. It's been fun. I guess I should pull my supervisor to the side and just ask or something.

Well, anyway. I've finished the book Arrest by June Gray and have had the chance to preview the next book, Surrender which will be out 'soon'. I'm so ready and beyond addicted to June Gray's books. I appreciate the ending of the book which was pretty good to say the least. But, I'm pretty sure everyone's wondered about what they look like in someone else's eyes or have thought about what someone else would think in times of certain situations. It'd be interesting to view it from an outsider's (but not really) perspective.

My mother and most of my family is about to board a plan that's going to make it to Europe. They're having a Euro-trip without me. Which is depressing in itself, haha. But, I let each of them know, all I want brought back to me is Swiss chocolate. And Swiss chocolate they better bring. That's for sure. I didn't tell her that I'd be having friends over tonight to watch movies on the big screen in her living room, though. I'm sure she'll hear about it later.

I also haven't heard anything from John and quite sometime. I hope everything is all right.  I was extremely excited to hear from him on the 1st though. That was cool and I guess he did sorta forewarn me about not being able to talk to me all the time. But it's cute when he's excited. He talks as much as I do, maybe more. I miss him so much. I guess he can finally see that I really do miss him and want to show that I'm thinking about him with all the calls, voice messages, and texts I send. He must be thinking something along the lines of 'what the hell was I thinking.' Well, too bad sucka! You got sucked in and you're staying here with me for the long haul. I think I'm probably falling in l---. I won't say it, though. Not yet. But, I feel it. I almost wrote it out. Technically I did, but erased it just as quick. Well, thank for stopping by and checking out my random thoughts.



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