Tuesday, June 3, 2014

It's Been Years

Wow. Is it sad that I forgot I had a blog? I guess this is the time where I can reinvent myself and just go on from there. My name is Eden. April Eden. I've been given many opportunities in love and I think maybe I've found the one that will make me happy and I'll be able to give him the same happiness he gives me. His name is John. I think that maybe this is the start of something great. He's given me a hope that I don't think I've been able to give myself in quite some time. There was someone before him that I thought maybe I could try and work it out with him, but it was to no avail.

John is 16 years older than me. We're both working towards a better tomorrow. We aren't too stuck in the now. He's the sweetest guy I've met. I genuinely feel that he's crazy about me because... well to be honest. I haven't a clue as to what in the world he sees in me. I'm younger, I'm pretty calm (well, unless something I want to happens doesn't I usually am), I'm his complete opposite. Female. Black. Curvy. Short. Short-Tempered. Younger. I guess maybe it's true what they say about opposites attracting.

I have no idea how my parents are going to feel about it. I've let my immediate friends know about him, though. So it isn't that no one knows about him. I think he's a little afraid of what my parents might say. I don't really care either way. I've told my step-father about him. Not about his age, my mom has heard me say a few things about him here and there. The best way to describe this situation is like Mama Lo and Papa Peltier from Dark Hunter's series. I'm the only girl, not the youngest. but the ONLY. The fact that he's afraid of what they'd think is so funny to me. I think once he meets them, he'll feel a little more relaxed. My parents are one of the most chilliest parents. EVER. Unless you mess with their kids (any alike). I mean, all they want to know is his social security number, license number, ID, and registration. I'm pretty sure once those formalities are out of the way, they'll be more docile in the end.

He's a Marine. He's loud. Unintentionally, but he is. He wants and needs the invitation to spoil me, but I'm pretty sure he'll never need that invitation. He sys it all the time that he wants to do this and that.  I think he realized how genuine I am about him when he was quite for a bit and I kept blowing up his phone. I was so sad. I wanted more of him. I'd leave voice messages for him and such. To let him know that I was thinking of him at the point of time and to give him an update on what I was doing with myself. I know this probably sounds self-centered because it sounds that way to me at the moment. Well. More to come later. I think I want to document our conversations so I have them to read later on. I know that sounds creepy and obsessive. But what if we end up getting married and I think this would probably be the best gift ever. A reminder of where we came from and how far we've gotten.

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